Happy Sovereign Sunday! I’ll be on vacation most of August so this will probably be my last screed until September except for the occasional updates. So sip it slowly. :-)
Catastrophic collapse always happens far slower than you’d think. It's why the Boiling Frog Stratagem is so effective.
“But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes.
That’s the difficulty. If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked—if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in ’43 had come immediately after the ‘German Firm’ stickers on the windows of non-Jewish shops in ’33.
But of course this isn’t the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D.
And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. The burden of self-deception has grown too heavy, and some minor incident, in my case my little boy, hardly more than a baby, saying ‘Jewish swine,’ collapses it all at once, and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose. The world you live in—your nation, your people—is not the world you were born in at all.
The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed.
Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to God. The system itself could not have intended this in the beginning, but in order to sustain itself it was compelled to go all the way.”
-Milton Sanford Mayer, They Thought They Were Free: The Germans 1933-45
The ‘boiling frog’ story is used to illustrate the assertion is that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out on feeling the impact of the heat. On the other hand, if the same frog was placed in cold water in a kettle and heated gradually, it will not be able to perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is widely used as a metaphor to illustrate the inability of people and businesses to react to significant changes that happen gradually. The metaphor attempts to warn people to be situationally aware and respond to gradual changes that take place. If these small changes are left unchallenged they could lead to huge losses to the business in future.
That's where we sit as a nation. 'Two weeks to flatten the curve' has turned into the largest and fastest State power grab in the history of nations. Even Nazi Germany and the Bolshevik Revolution took years to complete. Hitler himself took over a decade to come to power after his first grasp in a Munich beer hall in 1923 and Lenin was cuffed and stuffed for organizing in 1895 and didn’t seize power until some 20 years later.
Here in our current timeline, it’s taken the jackals and vipers just over a year to put your liberty and rights on the ropes, and our society on course for an authoritarian surveillance state pulled right from an Orwellian nightmare novel.
It’s incumbent on us and good people everywhere to keep pushing back against the radical and dangerous encroachment on liberty and freedom.
The question I'm asking myself these days. Why is the state machinery so increasingly desperate to get the US population vaccinated?
We’ve seen everything from monetary bribes to free weed, beer and donuts (for a virus that preys on poor metabolic health) to get vaccinated. About 60% of Americans have been vaccinated. If you think about it, probably 10-20% had almost no choice where their jobs mandated it or a spouse demanded it (marital harmony is a powerful incentive). So you’re talking at best 40% of the population wilfully choosing to be vaccinated despite the largest, costliest and most intense 24/7 propaganda program in the history of the world.
In New York you can’t turn on the TV without 2 out of 3 commercials being direct state or corporate propaganda about smiling vaccinated ‘heroes’ getting ‘back to normal’ and enjoying better food, travel and sex through the magic of an experimental gene therapy with no long term studies.
Here’s a quick thought.
If you want 'buy-in' from the public on the vaccine or governance, why the incredible lengths being taken to hide the facts, and to flat out lie about nearly everything???
It's bad enough Obama’s Demented Puppet appointed a red headed woman as his Press Secretary (is there a more unstable, human genotype than a red headed woman? Some urban myths have their basis steeped in truth...).
Putting that part aside, in short time she's become a government propagandist and liar the likes of the Western World has never seen. At least Baghdad Bob was Saddam's PR henchman, and if he dared to tell the truth about Coalition victories over Iraqi forces, his family would have been thrown off a roof with him to follow in short order. And yet by any objective measure, the gibberish coming out of Baghdad Bob was more 'truthful' than what we’re hearing from Psaki on a day to day basis.
Last week I dismantled her adamant statement that 99.5% of the people in hospitals due to Covid were unvaccinated. This bald faced lie went relatively unchallenged by the corporate press despite overwhelming data to the opposite from local hospitals AND from every country on earth showing the rate was 50/50, give or take 10%. As a fan of numbers/data/statistics, it is particularly galling and depressing to see no fact-checking or pushback from the media (keeping in mind that our government has been fudging numbers for decades on everything under the sun from inflation to Covid (remember how we supertuned the PCR rate to a super high sensitivity factor to show tens of millions more Covid cases and a false positive level approaching 50%, and then once the vaccine rolled out we dialed that back to a much more reasonable number to show fewer cases and fewer false positives - classic manipulation)).
But even with the shady or missing government stats, it's clear that nearly every word out of her mouth serves a monstrous narrative the administration and powers-that-be have concocted to coerce citizens to willingly subjugate themselves to the real-time ‘vaccine’ experiment.
Here's a clip of Psaki refusing to disclose the number of breakthrough cases for the vaccine.
Can you imagine if Kayleigh or Trump went on TV and in response to a 'journalist' question about the number of Covid cases, responded with, "That's none of your business." The entire corporate media's heads would explode in one simultaneous act of mercy.
For Psaki and the reporter's sake, here's a few responses (courtesy of @alexberenson) that might have been an appropriate answer to her question, “Why do you need that information [number of breakthrough cases]?”:
To settle a bet.
Because I’m bored?
Because it’s relevant to how well the vaccines work.
It Doesn’t Add Up
The remainder of the newsletter is an exercise in sensemaking as much as for me as it is for you. Perhaps by working through some of these disjointed thoughts on paper a more unified synthesis will emerge. I'm not optimistic, as there's not enough data and this new stage in the 'pandemic' may actually be the riskiest stage we've seen since February 2020 when it was clear to me that a foreign and virulent new virus was wreaking havoc in China and would soon wash ashore here in the States despite the media, Wall Street and the medical establishment sleeping at the watch.
Markets, media and national mindshare have become a ‘One Factor’ again. By this, I mean that literally everything else out there is being dwarfed by Covid. It is a veritable attentional black hole sucking all light into it. Similar to TERROR after 9/11, where every headline and market moving story revolved around terrorism or potential terrorism, Covid now plays that nasty role.
Metallica may have put it best, "Nothing else matters."
I’ll be frank. In light of Metallica's admonition above, there is some new anecdotal and other data that potentially increases the odds of a significantly worse outcome than I previously estimated.
A few major caveats.
Anecdotal data is by far the sloppiest way to extrapolate or model anything. It’s why Twitter and the corporate media are insufferable. You can present iron-clad clinical studies and exhaustive data showing that children are not at risk from Covid, and the Huffpost or some white woke gonzo will peep her head up and shout, “That’s false! My girlfriend's cousin’s 9 year old nephew died of Covid!”
As you can see, anecdotes are the absolute worst form of evidence. But they are evidence nonetheless. However, in my case these anecdotes are based on first hand information. Namely, three friends of mine came down with a particularly bad case of Covid last week. Apart from my personal concern, the wider implications of three friends in three different regions getting infected is alarming. Especially considering that one was vaccinated (‘breakthrough case’) and one a prior infectee. Every study I’ve seen concludes that prior infection is the best form of protection, even better than vaccination and longer lasting. The prior infection was recent (February) and yet that offered little to no protection.
The 3rd I don’t know well enough to probe too deep, but I know that all 3 were bedridden with high fever for a week and the one who previously had Covid said this bout wasn’t even comparable, 10x worse than prior.
If these are not isolated events (I pray that they are, yet we already know there are at least tens of thousands of so called ‘breakthrough’ cases), then the specter of another wave of hysteria and full lockdown in the Fall is back on the table.
I’m generally quite early (and accurate) in these forecasts and analysis. As I Cassandristically warned in January and February of 2020, Covid was something very different and scary. My understanding of the political realities and corrupt media landscape where inconsequential molehills are transformed into Everest-like peaks meant impending doom. If a 16yr old kid minding his own business in a MAGA hat at the Washington Monument could be transformed into a raging genocidal racist and hysterical front page story for a week with a snap of CNN’s fingers, I knew that an actual life-threatening viral tsunami would turn into a Sh*tStorm for the ages.
Sadly, I was correct.
I also flipped in April of 2020 when it became clear based on the data and research that the IFR and R0 of the virus were both radically overstated. It was clear that the virus hit the very old and very obese extremely hard, and everyone else to a significantly lesser degree, especially if the subjects ate properly, exercised and supplemented with the prophylaxis regimen that became the basis for the I-MASK+ protocol (substituting Ivermectin with HcQ when unavailable, but essentially that and copious amounts of Zinc, Vitamin B, C & D).
Thus for the overwhelming majority, Covid should have and could have been over in April of 2020, and the lockdowns and ensuing generational economic and psychological devastation stopped in its tracks with proper education, nutrition, exercise and supplementation.
While obviously that didn’t happen (the larger agenda, i.e., removing Trump, became more important than the truth or American lives), we seemed to be close in recent weeks to putting the whole dystopian nightmare in our rearview mirror. Sadly, I'm not sure that's the case anymore.
Here’s where I stand now. The best trades to be made are those where there is a large gap between the consensus and the actual reality on the ground. We may be in one of those situations.
Up until last week, my focus was more on the civilizational war being waged against liberty and freedom by one side, and I felt if we could just run the clock out, Covid would slowly disappear as the combination of prior infections and vaccinations reached a point where we’d have some type of herd immunity.
It was my hope that the tens of thousands killed and hundreds of thousands maimed by these ‘vaccines’ wouldn’t be in vain, and that the virus would drift away into herd immunity enforced oblivion (yes, please re-read those numbers, b/c I bet 9 out of 10 Americans still have no f'n idea).
Now, it’s beginning to be clear that these ‘vaccines’ can never provide herd immunity.
Instead, it’s becoming more apparent that the vaccines offer only marginal protection for a very limited time, likely 3-4 months at best.
We are now seeing breakthrough cases erupt across the globe. Despite the attempt by the media and administration to suppress these statistics (see cuckoo ginger videos above), it’s clear the new strain(s) are evading the vaccine. What isn't clear are the absolute numbers. Is it 5000 breakthrough cases here in the U.S.? 500K? 5 million?
The media and administration is doing everything it can to blame the unvaccinated for these new strains and breakthrough cases. But that belies common sense. If you look at the data (again with the data), the highest outbreaks of Covid right now are in the places where the most people are vaccinated. As I spelled it out last week, from Europe to Israel and elsewhere. The more vaccinated the population, the greater the spike in Covid cases. That pattern sounds more like causation, not correlation.
Remember, the vaccine does almost nothing to prevent infection or transmission. Fortunately, it does however significantly lessen the symptoms and since we no longer test for Covid frequently (and the PCR sensitivity used now is much lower), it’s not clear how many breakthrough cases actually exist.
Because these ‘vaccines’ are not actual vaccines (please tell me you’ve read/heard this elsewhere and know this), the virus can enter the host and carry on just fine, turning the vaccinated into asymptomatic superspreaders. When an unvax has Covid, they often know and feel it, staying home. When the vaxxed have Covid, they’re often walking around partying/drinking/concertgoing with a full viral load.
It’s also not inconceivable that by just muting the symptoms but not actually killing the virus via the normal immune response, the virus may be living in the hosts longer and mutating in the vaccinated (the same thing the vaccinated accuse the unvaccinated of).
It’s my fear that these circumstances has produced a variant that is more resistant to vaccination AND prior infection, and more virulent (hot).
The $64,000 question is, are the vaccines creating a Marek- type syndrome where these imperfect “vaccines” are turning the vaccinated into asymptomatic super spreaders, and their hosts into breeding grounds for the virus to mutate intoxicated hotter, more virulent pathogen?
If so, then the vaccinated are killing the unvaccinated first, but eventually themselves.
Had we just let the virus run its course and properly educated the public on how to eat right, exercise and supplement, this pandemic would have been over last year.
Instead we’ve now potentially created a perpetual factory that will keep breeding variants that could escape vaccination altogether shortly with devastating effect (a concept known as ‘Immune Escape’).
As *Dr Geert Vanden Boscche warned us, mass vaccinations in the middle of a pandemic will literally kill us.
Whether or not that occurs remains to be seen. The odds have increased, but still remain low. If there was a 5% chance of immune escape, then the chance is now 15%. That’s still relatively low, but way too high and too large a change when you consider the implications.
This Sounds Really Anti-Vax!
Not really, only if you suck at reading. And whether I’m anti-Covid vaccine or not, that ship has sailed since we’ve gone through with the mass vaccination experiment and now the only thing to do is try to properly gauge and manage the medical and societal fallout.
At this stage, I’m still far from anti-vaccine across the board. For many people it’s worth the risk. If you’re old or have serious comorbidities, then a .015% chance of a serious injury from the vaccine may be worth it rather than risking Covid.
But if you’re under 50 and healthy, those odds don’t look so good. And if you’re under 20, it’s a pure suckers bet (and a clear violation of the Nuremberg code of risk/reward and informed consent).
If you were 16 and knew you had a zero percent (thats 0.0%) of dying from Covid, but a 0.1% chance of being killed or seriously maimed by the vaccine, would you take the vaccine? The fact that parents are being forced to make these life-altering decisions with the data on adverse events being intentionally hidden and their safety propagandized is a travesty.
Sadly, the above risk matrix should have been rolled out and the vaccines should have not been permitted for anyone under the age of 70 unless very high risk. Alas, when there are hundreds of billions of $$$ on the line (and potentially a more nefarious broader plan), we all know what happened. Please watch the Dr. Boscche and Dr. Mcullough videos in the video section below. They are two of the more important videos you will see.
**The American Descent into Madness: America went from the freest country in the world in December 2019 to a repressive and frightening place by July 2021. How did that happen?
**Vaccinated people now make up almost 47% of all new Covid cases, symptom-tracking app claims amid signs Britain’s third Covid wave may have peaked already
**The Mises Gang on Democracy’s Road to Tyranny
**NPR of all places back in February admitting in an article I’m sure they will delete from the web shortly - that vaccines could drive the evolution of more Covid-19 mutations. “However, the risk of vaccine induced mutations is very high, especially as the vaccines are less effective. Basically the less effective the vaccine becomes, the more those patients allow the virus to mutate in them without getting terribly sick.”
**Dr Geert Vanden Boscche warned us: “Mass vaccinations in the setting of high virus prevalence will drive mutations.”
Podcasts I’m Listening To….
Videos I’m Watching…
Dr. Mcullough on what we should do about vaccines now. Three decades ago, when the corporate media still had a hint of morality and ethics, an interview like this would have been front page news and appeared on 60 Minutes or 20/20. Now it’s on some censored site but don’t let the background fool you. The content, and Dr. Mcullough’s credentials are impeccable.
Money Quote: “It’s clear the ‘vaccines’ offer no protection whatsoever against infection or transmission. In fact, just like masks, the wearer/subject is actually a greater danger to both catching and spreading Covid. The mask of course due to zero efficacy, and the vaccinated due to the temporary lessening or negating of symptoms which turns them i to super spreaders as they carry on at concerts, bars and elsewhere, not realizing they are infected.”
Twitter Octagon
Parting Words
“An evil enemy will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes.”
– Sun Tzu
Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
- James 1:2-4
That’s it for this week. If you haven’t yet, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss the next one. Have a great rest of your summer!
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