I have been vaxxed, but for those of you screaming at those who are not, let me get this straight:
The origin was a lie
The tests were faulty
The masks were worthless
The distancing was arbitrary
The lockdowns were pointless
The transmission was inaccurate
The lethality was exaggerated
The risk group was fabricated
The variants were a hoax
The school closures were sadistic
And you want to point fingers at people who are skeptical about the vaccine?
-Brian Howie
Well, that summer simmer flame just got turned up to a boil….
I’m fairly certain history books will look back to July 2021 and see it as a turning point. Although the the split and strife came much later, July is when it became clear that that the country we know began an unrecoverable spin, and the cartel authoritarians kicked their plan into overdrive knowing that the corrupt media and other institutions would applaud their unmitigated power grab.
For months (years?), we’ve ceded more and more power to government and institutions, who are less and less deserving of that power and responsibility every day.
Now, the absolute power and control grab by a small elite with their willing accomplices (Trotsky called them ‘useful idiots’) in the public who are actively cheerleading the effort by the forced of totalitarianism to vanquish their right to freedom of speech, freedom to associate and freedom from being experimented on without consent.
And as the Covid Psyop marches on, it’s becoming clear that no matter what happens, petty tyrants in government and elsewhere who we’ve ceded power, fame and riches to are not willing to go back to their rightful roles. Why should they? I’m confident this scenario was war-gamed 1000x by the powers that be and I’d be willing to bet that in most simulations, they envisioned massive pushback and herculean efforts of force and creativity to effect their grab for total control.
Instead, what they got was half the population crumbling faster than the French in World War 2 for everything our ancestors and brothers spilled blood for overseas and at home over the last 250 years.
The Elites have spent the last 3 months angrily propagandizing people to believe naturally healthy people who refuse pharmaceutical products (remember when liberals were against Big Pharma?) are the reason unhealthy people who choose pharmaceutical products are continuing to get sick, all to strip away the rights of those who maintain health without these experimental products.
All of the fascist tendencies that people spent 4 years hysterically screaming about during the Trump era, are no longer tendencies. They’re being openly implemented in broad daylight and the right gives it a collective yawn (while the Left sickeningly cheerleads).
As Senator Padme noted presciently in Revenge of the Sith, “So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause.”
It’s clear that one of our biggest problems over the past 30 years was the failure to teach actual history at any level of schooling or require students to pick up a history book. How else can you explain the shredding of the Constitution during Covid and the new censorship and scapegoating to consolidate political power without a peep from former civil rights stalwarts like the ACLU or ADL? Sadly, like other institutions, partisan politics now stands above all, and as long as it hurts your political enemies, civil rights groups take the short sighted approach of thinking it won’t eventually blowback and destroy them.
Those who know history understand that it never stops at the ‘enemy’ of the day, and that all Marxist/Authoritarian systems eventually end in an orgasm of violence and destruction as the party and its adherents turn on each other and everyone else.
Such is the danger of one party, one philosophy controlling 97% of the mainstream media.
Not to beat a dead horse, but the risk reward calculus and probabilistic analysis is so far off with our response to Covid that the red flags are impossible to ignore.
As I’ve written repeatedly, the vaccine makes sense for some people (elderly, comorbid, obese). For healthy people, it should be a personal and private decision as the Constitution, HIPAA and every natural law throughout our country’s history demands. But for age groups under 25, it’s essentially a Nuremberg Code violation. Informed consent isn’t possible with the limited data and studies available.
And no doctor worth his salt should be recommending an untested, unproven experimental therapy with zero long term studies for a virus that can be treated just as or more effectively with a simple over the counter supplementation protocol plus Ivermectin if needed.
The major obvious difference of course being Ivermectin is an off patent drug that has been around and effective tested for decades, but won’t put a trillion dollars in Big Pharma’s pocket (and the pocket’s of the politicians and doctors they own). Nor can it be used to mandate compliance and punish those who resist.
From masks to the Wuhan lab leak to dismissing Ivermectin and HCQ, the ‘establishment’ has been dead wrong about every single thing of import relating to this disease. So why in the world would anyone give them any credibility whatsoever when it comes to anything regarding the vaccination or the variants du jour?
There’s a damn good reason people distrust government (which lies constantly) and the health professionals who lied constantly and just got sh*t plain wrong (Stay Home! Go to BLM protests!).
3 momentous events happened this week that have very dangerous and severe long term consequences.
Door to door Jehovaxx Witnesses were given the green light. In something out of a straight to video B horror film, you’ve got some kind of alleged health professional lugging around a beer cooler of experimental vials in 90 degree heat all day (wasn’t it supposed to be stored at a very cool temp….) and lecturing/lobbying/threatening Americans to get vaccinated. Right in sync with the continuing and re-encroachment of civil liberties across the globe and the massive new propaganda push to label this now an ‘epidemic of the unvaccinated’ (including openly lying to the press/public about the numbers).
The election audits in Arizona and Georgia returned massive inconsistencies that likely affirm widespread fraud and/or error (although it’s funny how the ‘errors’ always end up going 850 to 0 Biden’s way….).
Biden administration openly encouraging and admitting it is collaborating with Facebook to censor opponents and demand opposing facts/philosophies be wiped off social media and silenced.
People today have no idea that free speech is the bedrock principle of any democracy or republic. It’s also the lynchpin that needs to be removed in order for authoritarian and oppressive governments to work their will on the population. Whether it’s Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Hussein, Amin or Papa Doc, dictators have a tried and true playbook that begins with:
Disarm the public (but for the 2nd Amendment there go I…)
Curtail Free Speech & Association
Terrify the public and find scapegoats (racists, extremists and unvaxxed!)
The playbook for Nazi Germany began with a health crisis as well, with Jews being accused of unclean carriers of typhoid and other diseases, their movement restricted to ghettoes.
The bottom line is we’ve now reached a tipping point. We’ve been lied and gaslit for years, and the flame has been turned up immensely since the Demented Puppet took office. There’s no secret about it anymore. They intend to wage war on half the country, restrict their rights, and
If freedom loving people don’t have an antidote and start organizing and pushing back fast, it will be all over in the next 18 months. There will be no 2024 election, or if there is, it will be the same carefully designed fraud that we witnessed in 2020 where Covid was the excuse to implement mail in voting and other massive voter frauds (see below).
Each of the 3 momentous events this week one of the above could have been enough on it’s own to black pill half the nation, taken together, it seems we’re reached that tipping point where unless things change fast, unless the press once again rediscovers its spine and purpose, unless free people everywhere unite and articulate their outrage in a sensible and organized manner, we’ve reached the point of no return.
Do we continue hurtling down the path of future Gulags, authoritarian suppression of all rights and the elimination of the constitution? Or do we return to the sanity of free markets, free choice, civil rights and individual liberties?
The playbook for the good guys remains, the same, but I'll admit, it’s looking inadequate. Without widespread organization, alignment and resistance to the creeping totalitarian surveillance state, it’s going to be twilight for our country. I don’t believe there will be a resolution that ends with the country intact. In fact, the sooner we balkanize and secede from an evil, anti-human, anti-rights government, the better. Carve off Nevada to North Carolina and below with free trade agreements with Montana, Idaho and others.
The sad part is its really 10 progressive cities or so where all the nonsense comes out of, and amplified by the Kleptocrats in DC and their propagandist mouthpieces in the media.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. If you can retreat from blue cities, do so. The Big Federal Bribe (from your retirement and your children’s future) of hundreds of billions of dollars may have kept them afloat for another few years, but any region where crime is rampant and spiking, where everyday people feel unsafe, where taxes are over 50% and the demographics are collapsing, and where they teach kindergartners that transitioning at 8 years old is normal, white people are evil and Trump was Hitler, will not be inhabitable by 2025 if things continue on this trajectory.
99.5% Bullsh*t
As a friend jokingly remarked to me recently, "I don't mind a good dictator. It's the sheer incompetency and JV stupidity of this authoritarian crew that makes it unbearable."
No doubt. If they just would pretend to be semi-honest or logical, I'm sure most of the under 35 crowd who have been brainwashed for the past 3 decades to believe that the State is good, the Earth is in an imminent man-made climate crisis, America is the most racist country in the world and capitalism is evil by their Marixst professors, hell they’d probably just willing wholesale accept the surrender of all their rights for the ‘greater good’.
Here's press secretary Jen Psaki, just openly bald-face lying to the White House press sycophants that 99.5% of the hospitalizations in the US are unvaccinated. Notably, not a single one of them has the balls or brains to call her out on it.
Strange how every other country has varying ratios all around the 60/40 or even higher of unvaxxed to vaxxed that are hospitalized, but in the US it's statistically ZERO! It's not just that these people are liars, they're BAD liars. At least use language that can't easily be rejected as false. Had she said, "the overwhelming majority" are unvaxxed, she could at least hold a 51/49 and say convincingly she wasn't lying. But when you say 99.5%? You look stupid, or even worse, the press and the citizens of our nation look even dumber for willingly putting these awful people in charge and celebrating it.
You Get the Leaders you Deserve
LA County is going back to to the mask mandate for indoor activity, and frankly it shouldn’t surprise anyone. The leaders of this godforsaken city and state have been some of the worst in the nation when it came to response to the virus. Not only that, but they openly in grand aristocratic fashion, willfully ignored their own edicts and ate out at $500 a person dinners and haircut appointments while businesses crumbled due to their cowardice and incompetence.
Never mind that LA is directly contravening the guidance of the CDC regarding vaccinated people wearing masks. I remember not too long ago when people would be castigated and suspended from social media for recklessly disregarding The Science!
Appropriately, the LA County Sheriff department gave this blunt assessment.
Let me translate Sheriff Villanueva’s statement: “You f'n morons spit on us and defunded us, so take your stupid Covid theater and shove it up your arse."
Kudos to the Sheriff for doing what all police departments should have had the courage to say and do all year about these unconstitutional and useless edicts.
A Challenge to Classical Liberals
From Karen Lehrman Bloch, publisher of White Rose Magazine. I’m glad she said it because it needed saying. These are my people who I grew up with in LA & NY. It’s not too late for you to join the fight for freedom and sanity.
A case could be made for staying in a party that is instituting fascist anti-speech policies, re-segregation, + normalizing anti-Semitism. If you're fighting daily to change the direction that party is headed, one could make that case.
What is not morally acceptable in classical liberalism is to remain in said party and say/do absolutely nothing. Cancel culture is no longer an excuse. A classical liberal fights fascism and racism, in whatever forms they take.
The midterms will be here soon and voters will respond accordingly to said party. But even waiting for the midterms to destroy said party is not good enough. Classical liberals are brave; classical liberals speak out; classical liberals don't put status and power ahead of acting morally, no matter what.
Silence right now is simply not an option.
Now for the good news….
As government and other authoritarian minded actors continue to pursue a strategy of divide and conquer, everyday people continue to awaken.
In nearly every country around the globe, massive protests are taking place against authoritarianism and covid measures. You won’t see it on the news but hundreds of thousands of people turned out in France, Greece and Australia to protest the government’s vaccination measures. When that type of energy and resistance comes here, it’ll be game over for the Kleptocrats.
Bitcoin/blockchain/crypto is one of the most innovative and disruptive spaces out there today, and the people working in the space are overwhelmingly libertarian minded and view the bad actors in the government, press and the medical establishment with skepticism and disdain. They’ll keep building and offering alternative ramps to the corrupt status quo for communication, money and interaction. It’s up to us to buy them some time…
What I’m Reading…
**What North Korean Refugee Yeonmi Park Wants Americans To Know About Communism
**The fall of the billionaire Gucci Master.
**The children were safe the whole time …and NY and CA want them to wear masks in the fall.
**If the vaccines work so well, why are we seeing spikes everywhere including the most vaccinated nations like Israel.
**On student debt, college and burning the whole system down.
**Fighting for religion to have a role in AI.
**The Free Net Project - uniting a small group of libertarians to achieve political change.
Podcasts I’m Listening To….
Dax Shephered and Michael Pollan talk what's next in Psychedelics and Peacetime in the War on Drugs
Videos I’m Watching…
Devastatingly on point for the place we find ourselves in today. Watch the Playbook and you’ll see some eerie comparisons to present day.
How to Become A Tyrant
**PLUS Arizona Audit Election Findings Summary
Twitter Octagon
Parting Words....
"For the first three months, I place each student at a table with a thousand pieces of white paper and a trash can underneath. Every day they have to sit at the table for several hours and write ideas. They put the ideas they like on the right side of the table; the ones they don’t like, they put in the trash. But we don’t throw out the trash. After three months, I only take the ideas from the trash can. I don’t even look at the ideas they liked. Because the trash can is a treasure trove of things they’re afraid to do." - Marina Abramovic
One of the biggest keys to success at anything hard is believing that you can figure it out as you go along. A lot of people won't start until they figure it out. And because most hard things can't be figured out in advance, they never start. Action brings clarity!
That’s it for this week. If you haven’t yet, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss the next one.
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