Busy weekend on my end for those that know me personally. So let’s get right to it!
El Gato & CDC
CDC passed the point long ago where malfeasance can be mistaken for incompetence, but this is the cherry on top.
Boriqua Gato sums up the latest in a neverending series of scandals here:
The CDC has a system called V-safe that is used to follow up on post vaccination side effects. it was smart phone based and ~10 million people signed up.
in theory, this should have created a sound system to measure adverse outcomes.
in practice it was yet another game of “hide the ball.”
and this time, there are serious receipts.
the CDC full on knew about issues like myocarditis, strokes, and death.
they included them as “outcomes of special interest” in the draft protocols for V-safe.
then, before it went live, they took them all out.
“The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) didn’t include serious adverse events like heart inflammation on post-vaccination surveys even though the agency knew the issues could be linked to COVID-19 vaccines, documents show.
Even before the surveys were rolled out in December 2020 after the first vaccines were authorized, the CDC knew that myocarditis—a form of heart inflammation since confirmed as being caused by the Pfizer and Moderna shots—and other serious adverse events were of “special interest” when it came to the vaccines, according to a newly disclosed version of the protocol for the survey system.
The Nov. 19, 2020, protocol (pdf) for V-safe, the survey system, lists myocarditis, stroke, death, and a dozen “prespecified medical conditions.” The protocol was obtained by the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), a nonprofit that seeks transparency around health information. All of the conditions can cause severe symptoms.
V-safe is a system of surveys that was introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic to monitor vaccine safety. It was developed and is managed by the CDC.
Updated versions of the protocol list the same 15 adverse events.
None of the conditions were included in the actual surveys.
Respondents could check boxes if they experienced certain symptoms, but only 10 lower-level problems such as fever and nausea were listed as options.” - Epoch Times
They knew exactly what they needed to be looking for and they removed it from the survey so that they would not find it.
They moved it to an “added free text” section that makes aggregation and database analysis basically impossible.
This is not the first time game like this have been played. something similar occurred where many medical records have “vaccinated” in the free text field instead of something countable/aggregatable. the CDC has used this to attribute bad outcomes from those actually vaxxed to the unvaxxed.
They also wound up having to admit, again under FOIA, that they were not even tracking adverse events in the VAERS database (per their own mandate to do so).
Even the meagre data collected was so bad that the CDC fought not to release it raw. when they finally lost, we got this:
The CDC has described the results of V-safe in multiple studies, but refused to release the raw data until ICAN brought litigation against it. Data released to ICAN in October 2022 showed that more than 3.2 million people sought medical attention or missed school, work, or other normal activities following vaccination.
The CDC posted some of the v-safe data on Dec. 1, 2022, several months after a self-imposed deadline passed.
Keep in mind that that’s out of 10 million who signed up. that’s a ~32% AE rate for “needed medical attention or could not perform normal activities.”
But all the truly worrying stuff is buried in the free form comments. and these were, wait for it….
Not released.
I am sure you’re shocked…
Trump - The Vaccine Saved 100M lives
Former President, 2024 candidate and winner of the Pfizer Vaccine Salesperson of the Year Award winner Donald Trump continues to embarrass himself by being unable to read the tea leaves (or data) and sticking by his toxic stillbirth.
Despite the disastrous effects of Operation Warp Speed, Trump remains stubbornly attached to his own version of reality - one grounded in egotistical narcissim.
Here’s Trump reiterating his belief that he saved 100M lives with a negative efficacy ‘vaccine’ that injures more people than it saves, and makes you significantly more likely to get infected, hospitalized and die.
On the 2024 tip, Nikki Haley may have the best chance of winning the Presidency from the Republican ticket as she’s a female that’s relatively acceptable to Centrists and even the occasional Democrat who has seen their party slip into Marxist madness.
On my end the pertinent question remains - is she a card carrying swamp creature? And would she be too willing to compromise and forgive?
You may be more forgiving than I am, but I am not looking to make peace with demons or pretend that compromise or peace is a possibile with people who prefer me dead.
To paraphrase Arnold, I want to crush our enemies. See them driven before us. And to hear the lamentations of their women.
So sharpen the blades and give me Ron ‘Big D’ DeSantis and General Chang. “No peace in our time. Once more unto the breach dear friends. Tickle us, do we not laugh? Prick us, do we not bleed? Wrong us, shall we not revenge? CRY HAVOC AND LET SLIP THE DOGS OF WAR!
Gensler crackup…
SEC Chief and FTX fanboy Gary Gensler weighed in on the crypto mess in typical SEC fashion. Meaning after the fact, when retail traders have already had their faces ripped off.
Having missed every major scandal and scam in crypto over the past 3 years by fawning over Sam Bankman-Fried and chasing Ripple, Gensler decided to update markets where he stands with this zinger while he still has a job : “There’s so much non-compliance in this field. It’s part of the business model.”
Well Gary, to some degree you are right. Bitcoin’s business model explicitly rejects the current model of:
An un-auditable body of 12 persons controlling the most powerful levers of the economy behind closed doors…
Cantillion-ism for your centimillionaire buddies…
Egregious loose money and printing dollars out of thin air causing a wave of devastating, poverty-inducing inflation…
Private profits for the big banks in good times but taxpayer bailouts & socialized losses during the bad…
Saddling us and our children with tens of trillions of un-payable debt…
So yes, the business model of Bitcoin explicitly rejects the corruption and crony capitalism you and the SEC are tasked to protect.
We’re fighting for a return to hard money, transparency and freedom to transact.
Your boos mean nothing Gary. I’ve seen what makes you people cheer.
Davos Follies
While I was unable to get the hashtag #DaisyCutterDavos trending on Twitter, it’s becoming more and more obvious to the world that the annual gathering of elite, totalitarian kleptocrats in Davos is quickly exhausting its goodwill with us commoners. Whether it was the runaway inflation and ruination of hundreds of thousands of businesses from the lockdowns, excess mortality and life altering injuries from the deadly and ineffective experimental vaccines they pushed, or the #ClimateChangeHoax these globalists are hell-bent on using to further enslave and control us peasants, the Davos royalty was greeted by actual citizen journalists this year as opposed to the fawning sycophants of the mainstream media.
Here’s a beautiful moment where Pfizer Head Mortician Albert Bourla was subjected to actual questions the global press has not asked in 2 years despite millions of vaccine injuries, deaths and excess mortality numbers pouring out of countries.
None of these pharma execs, or the regulators and public health officials who pushed these genocidal tools have ever publicly answered questions or debated skeptics.
Steve Kirsch has famously offered a million dollar prize to anyone who is willing to publicly debate him and to no surprise, not a single public health official, doctor, regulator or pharma exec has taken him up on the offer.
Al Gore’s Same Schtick
The former Vice-President who made his career on Climate Hoax hysteria is back at the well. Al Gore, the man who has been telling us for 30 years the oceans are about to boil and send 1 Billion refugees outward owns multiple homes worth tens of millions of dollars (one directly on the California seafront) and flies private everywhere.
This guy is more like a standup comedian rehashing old material than a speaker anyone should take seriously. Then again, all the greats - Dave Chapelle, George Carlin, Jerry Seinfeld, Louis C.K....are constantly vetting and trying out new acts. You can't just rest on your laurels.
I guess the Big Grift worked so well for Gore over the past few decades that it netted him nearly half a billion dollars in net worth. So yeah, why not go back to the well? Especially with the leftist idiots that take this stuff seriously (for you at least, they would never actually agree to submit to the same rules they want the rest of us to follow…but hey, that’s liberalism in a nutshell).
Cult Rituals
Jordan Schachtel makes this phenomenal observation about the incredible conformity that is the Davos circle jerk:
If you’re watching the World Economic Forum’s annual ruling class confab in Davos this week, you might be surprised by the lack of disagreement among the rich and powerful there. Every panel in Davos acts as a reinforced echo chamber in which there is one problem, one objective, and only one solution. Regardless of who populates these panels and speeches, whether it’s invited corporate media, governmental officials, and/or business executives, there’s never any apparent dissent or difference of opinion expressed.
This is a phenomenal observation. I'm in several 'founder' chat groups that are carefully cultivated and most of us are politically and goal aligned....and we argue about everything.
Davos/WEF is carefully constructed theater, nothing more.
I've never been in a high-level organizing group that doesn't continually challenge and argue about important things. This is pre-written, pre-blocked, well-rehearsed theater. They need to have these phantasms for some purpose, likely cult-based, but they're anything but honest or legitimate "conferences."
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Resigns
On the bright side, we were treated to the wonderful and expected news this week that New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is resigning.
Once a darling of the globalist left and feminists, Jacinda became the youngest female prime minister in 2017 and was praised high and wide for her monstrous ‘Zero Covid’ program featuring medical experimentation on her subjects citizens. Fast forward two years and New Zealand is enjoying runaway inflation, a weak economy and more Covid cases and deaths than in 2020 and 2021 fueled by her lockdowns and mandatory injections. She’s living proof that one can be extremely evil and infinitely stupid at the same time (and that female leaders have zero advantages and the same flaws as their male counterparts).
As the picture below illustrates perfectly, selling your soul to the devil has real physical effects. Good riddance witch.
GRETA's ‘Arrest’
Speaking of Davos and Climate theater, we were treated this week to the spectacle of everyone’s favorite muppet troll being carried out of a protest by German police.
The best part is this staged nonsense was done while she's protesting the use of coal and other fossil fuels in Germany. But the very reason Germany is forced to expand the coal mine in the first place is because they listened to Greta and built useless wind turbines instead of nuclear power - the cleanest and most productive alternative power source around.
This little puppet has had her 15 minutes. The fact that she was ever taken seriously will be one of the lamposts history reflects on when they mock and decry, “How We Lost Our Way” at the turn of the century.
Steve Kirsch
For future genocidal maniacs and kleptocrats, Steve Kirsch has gone through the trouble of assembling a future playbook based on how Pfizer & Moderna made a “safe and effective” vaccine:
Require full liability protection
Get the US government to agree that there will not be any ICD10 codes for:
Death of a fully vaxxed person from COVID
Death from the COVID vaccine
Injury from the COVID vaccine
Avoid debating anyone who figures out the truth
Make sure the medical journals only publish articles favorable to the vaccine. If there are any criticisms, ignore them.
Criticize anyone who speaks out against the vaccines as “anti-science”
Forbid doctors to speak negatively about the vaccine to their patients (e.g., CA AB2098)
Punish doctors who tell the truth: fire them, strip them of their medical license, censor them, deplatform them, demonetize their channels, etc.
Make sure the mainstream media is telling a consistent narrative by creating the “Trusted News Initiative”
It’s really that simple. And I wish I was kidding. You can’t make this stuff up. It’s all true.
Shouldn’t we know what caused Damar Hamlin’s heart attack by now?
What about the Las Vegas MGM Massacre? Has the FBI come up with a better explanation of the single greatest mass murder in United States history? I’m sure we’ll get an update any day now.
Michael Harnett’s Bank of America note this week had a few interesting charts. These two below are concerning. First, the US savings rate is now at the lowest level since July 2005. And second, how household consumption is being driven almost entirely by increased credit usage. When I hear about how the consumer is in good shape and the economy is strong, these charts don’t seem to fit the narrative.
Balance the above charts and Fed talk about “higher and longer” regarding interest rates with the green shoots we’ve seen in certain corners of the market lately.
Crypto, the least risk adverse and closest to a true market asset, led us down last November. By turning higher over the last 2 weeks (Bitcoin is up 30%), the market is showing us that animal spirits and speculators are still alive. In a prolonged bear market, this is a potential bull trap, but it’s also signs of a potential turn in sentiment and performance.
Gold, silver and other precious metals have rebounded as well indicating the Fed may be a lot closer to a stop than they’ve been telegraphing. But a stop is far from a pivot. I’m in no rush to deploy capital at this time.
This week Philadelphia Flyers defensemen Ivan Provorov refused to warm up in a rainbow gay pride jersey with his team because it’s against his religious beliefs.
By not ‘wearing the ribbon’, Provorov garnered the expected hysterical response from virtue signaling ‘journalists’…
Tolerance and equal rights doesn’t mean you get to jam shit down people’s throats and cancel them if they don’t publicly swear allegiance and bend the knee.
It’s ironic that the Pride Flag is suffering mission creep and rapidly becoming a symbol of intolerance and harassment.
As Maxwell Meyer noted, “In 7 years the gay movement has gone from calling for equal rights to "go f***ing die in a trench war if you don’t wear a pride shirt!"
After 6 years of being told that unless you allow a tranny drag queen gyrate and perform sexual acts in front of your child that you are a horrible, homophobic bigot, it’s no surprise that Provorov’s jersey became the best selling NHL jersey overnight. People are tired of this nonsense.
What I’m Watching….
The video in Steve Kirsch’s latest letter featuring ……
Watch this video now. It is a video of UK doctors who are speaking the truth that the BBC and UK government do NOT want ANYONE to know.
This video is so damaging to the narrative that even Twitter will not allow you to include it.
Konstantin Kisin’s speech before the BBC debate club about woke culture is well worth the 9 minute watch. Speaking truth to power is wonderful. Speaking truth to spoiled, woke automatons is priceless.
Best of Twitter
Parting Quote
“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” -John Wooden
Let’s kill it this week guys. Momentum is on our side! 💪
Interesting how this statement……… "more than 3.2 million people sought medical attention or missed school, work, or other normal activities following vaccination." was re-quoted like this: that’s a ~32% AE rate for “needed medical attention or could not perform normal activities.”
Why did the author deliberately delete “missed school, work.”? Perhaps since those are innocuous and common explanations? This was no accident, as he literally quoted the start and end of the sentence, verbatim, but removed the middle. This is actually smoking gun that he’s deliberately misrepresenting information to fit his narrative. Unfortunately, this diminishes credibility of the author.